Post Tagged with: "Sabarinath Nair"

The Enabler

The Enabler

Sabarinath Nair, CEO of Skillveri, spoke to Ashish Bhatia on emerging trends and interventions shaping up the labour market. Q. How do you ensure equal opportunity and inclusivity for blue-collar jobs? How do you see the role of women evolving going forward and how have they adapted to the Skillveri platform? A. Manufacturing industries and especially activities like welding have[Read More…]

by January 30, 2024 Upfront
Metaverse For Reskilling And Upskilling

Metaverse For Reskilling And Upskilling

The industry is focused on reskilling and upskilling. Ashish Bhatia highlights the efforts of Skillveri, an enabler.   The careers and employment opportunities in the automotive sector are evolving. The transition to sustainable choices and green mobility solutions coupled with growing electronic content per vehicle means that the technology is forcing a change. The industry needs to adapt quickly! There[Read More…]

by January 14, 2024 Cover Story