
Eberspaecher’s Vision For India’s Evolving Bus And Coach Segment

Eberspaecher’s Vision For India’s Evolving Bus And Coach Segment

Eberspaecher’s strategy to become a key player in India’s HVAC and climate control sector, driven by sustainable solutions is outlined in an exclusive interview with KP Singh, Managing Director of Eberspaecher India, writes Upendra Kasbekar. Q: Could you please share how Eberspaecher’s vision and strategy for the Indian market have evolved over the years? A: Eberspaecher has been present in[Read More…]

by January 16, 2025 Upfront
India’s Mobility Landscape

India’s Mobility Landscape

J P Nair, Managing Director, VIS Group, shares insights with Richa Tyagi, on the evolution of the TrafficInfraTech Expo, highlighting its role in revolutionising India’s mobility landscape. As the partner to the TrafficInfraTech expo and the concurrent shows, what in your opinion is the biggest shift in the mobility landscape? When we started TrafficInfraTech in 2010, the focus was primarily[Read More…]

by January 16, 2025 Upfront
Sustainability As Strategy

Sustainability As Strategy

In an Industry Talk session, Satyakam Arya – Managing Director and CEO, Daimler India Commercial Vehicles spoke to Ashish Bhatia on integrating sustainability into the overall business strategy. How does DICV integrate sustainability into its overall business strategy? ESG has taken centre stage in our business strategy. To ensure every aspect of our business has the essence of ESG, we[Read More…]

by January 15, 2025 Upfront
High-Density Motors for India

High-Density Motors for India

In an upfront conversation, Sajal Kishore, Managing Director of EVR Motors, shared insights on how the company is playing its part in  India’s transition toward low-emission mobility with Richa Tyagi. He highlights the innovative compact and modular EVR motor designs, which, combined with a flexible platform approach, offer a scalable and sustainable solution for accelerating emobility adoption. How has the[Read More…]

by January 15, 2025 Upfront
Success Through Culture creation

Success Through Culture creation

In an upfront conversation, Raj Manek, Executive Director & Board Member, Messe Frankfurt Asia Holdings Ltd. speaks of success in infrastructure and mobility intertwined with culture creation to Ashish Bhatia. Q. What are the major trends in infrastructure and mobility across the globe for different automotive segments? A. Across the globe, the integration of electric and autonomous vehicles is shaping[Read More…]

by November 12, 2024 Upfront
High Precision Production

High Precision Production

MR Components leverages intelligent automation to produce high-precision gear components monthly, optimising output with unmanned operations. In an upfront conversation, Alessandro Reguzzo, Founder and MD of the company shares the fundamental philosophy with Team ACI. MR Components, a medium-sized company from Grigno, Italy, has significantly increased its production capacity and simultaneously improved quality by introducing intelligent automation with EMAG machines.[Read More…]

by November 12, 2024 Uncategorized, Upfront
Affordable Mechanisation

Affordable Mechanisation

In an Industry Talk session, Jalaj Gupta, Business Head – Commercial Vehicles at Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. discussed the future of affordable mechanisation with Ashish Bhatia. Q. How are you taking the momentum gained last year for the whole agenda of introducing affordable mechanisation in CVs? How are you blending it with this year’s objective? Recall that last year, we[Read More…]

by June 26, 2024 Upfront
‘Road safety’ a mandatory subject

‘Road safety’ a mandatory subject

  In an Industry talk session, Bharat Kalaskar, Dy Commissioner, Road Safety of Government of Maharashtra spoke to Prajakta Chavan Rane on the road safety initiatives and the headroom for improvement.    Q. Though road safety is part of the school curriculum, we don’t see the desired results on ground zero. As the number of road accidents minor or major[Read More…]

by January 30, 2024 Upfront
The Enabler

The Enabler

Sabarinath Nair, CEO of Skillveri, spoke to Ashish Bhatia on emerging trends and interventions shaping up the labour market. Q. How do you ensure equal opportunity and inclusivity for blue-collar jobs? How do you see the role of women evolving going forward and how have they adapted to the Skillveri platform? A. Manufacturing industries and especially activities like welding have[Read More…]

by January 30, 2024 Upfront
Zumen Supplier Relationship Management

Zumen Supplier Relationship Management

In an upfront conversation, Viswanathan Kuppuswami, Chief Executive Officer at Zumen spoke to Ashish Bhatia about the company’s alternative to CRM solutions. Q. How does SRM fill a specific void, and in what ways does it elevate the established CRM to new levels of effectiveness? A. The Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) on offer compared to the established Customer Relationship Management[Read More…]

by December 28, 2023 Upfront