Post Tagged with: "ABB"

The Business Case For Automating Your Shopfloor

The Business Case For Automating Your Shopfloor

  The automotive industry is training on lean shop floor practices, writes Ashish Bhatia. The objective is to gain a fresh perspective on managing daily shop floor activities derived from the principles of lean manufacturing. Diving deep into the foundational concepts of lean manufacturing, the industry continues to gain actionable insights in a bid to enhance operational efficiency. From empowering[Read More…]

by January 15, 2025 Cover Story
OLA to deploy ABB robotics and automation solutions

OLA to deploy ABB robotics and automation solutions

  Ola, one of the leading mobility companies in the world, today announced that it has selected ABB as one of its key partners for robotics and automation solutions for its mega-factory in India that will roll out the much-anticipated Ola electric scooter. Ola’s scooter mega-factory, billed to be the world’s largest scooter factory, is expected to be ready and operational in[Read More…]

by February 11, 2021 Newscast
ABB unmasks the future of customized automotive painting with PixelPaint

ABB unmasks the future of customized automotive painting with PixelPaint

  PixelPaint is 50 per cent faster and more sustainable, using an inkjet head to eliminate overspray, ensuring two-tone paint and individual designs are applied in one pass, without masking and de-masking. Millennials are driving demand for greater individualization, increasing the need for customized vehicle paint schemes, using either a second color, a different paint finish such as matte, or[Read More…]

by September 14, 2020 Newscast
ABB India taking charge for an electric future   

ABB India taking charge for an electric future  

The online pledge campaign, which was launched by ABB and Green.TV as part of World EV Day, encourages drivers to recognize the crucial role that electric vehicles (EVs) can play in advancing sustainable mobility, making a commitment that the next car they drive will be electric. Results to date are already indicating which countries are in the driving seat when[Read More…]

by September 9, 2020 Newscast, Press Release
Tata Motors joins the Global #WorldEVDay Movement to celebrate e-Mobility

Tata Motors joins the Global #WorldEVDay Movement to celebrate e-Mobility

The company is one of the founding partners behind this worldwide movement   Tata Motors proudly joins the global #WorldEVDay movement to celebrate the shift to sustainable road transport and a zero-emissions future. Scheduled to be inaugurated on September 9th, the #WorldEVDay will be celebrated every year to encourage current and prospective drivers of electric vehicles, local transport authorities and[Read More…]

by September 7, 2020 Press Release