Maruti, in collaboration with its parent company Suzuki, is embarking on the development of electric air copters, a project poised to revolutionize urban mobility.

According to a report, these innovative air copters will be larger than drones yet smaller than conventional helicopters, with a capacity to carry at least three passengers, including the pilot.

The company’s ambitious plan is to introduce these futuristic air taxis initially in Japan and the US, with subsequent expansion into the Indian market. Maruti’s strategic vision extends beyond merely tapping into the Indian market for sales; it also contemplates local manufacturing to enhance cost efficiency.


Expected Launch

Kento Ogura, assistant manager at Suzuki Motor, disclosed that discussions with the aviation regulator DGCA are underway to translate this visionary project into reality. The electric air copters, dubbed SkyDrive, are slated for debut at the 2025 Osaka Expo in Japan. Maruti envisages bringing this cutting-edge technology to India as part of the ‘Make in India’ initiative. Presently, the company is engaged in comprehensive market research in India to identify potential customers and partners. Ogura underscores the necessity for these air copters to be affordable to gain traction in the Indian market.

How Does it Differ from Helicopters?

Weighing in at 1.4 tonnes during take-off, the air copter is almost half the weight of a conventional helicopter. This lighter profile enables it to utilize building rooftops for take-off and landing, enhancing its versatility in urban settings. Additionally, the electrification of the air copter has led to a significant reduction in the number of aircraft parts, thereby driving down manufacturing and maintenance costs.


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