Four start-up companies have won the year-long Altair Startup Challenge 2022 (ASC2022). Of the 74 participants 11 finalists were chosen for the next-generation aerospace and defense system development challenge posed by Altair, a global leader in Computational Science and Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Startup India, an Indian government initiative. The ASC2022 provided participating organizations access to high-end technology, mentorship, and expert support in their quest to develop innovative products. The ASC2022 required startups to identify Altair technologies that would drive the design and engineering of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), wearable devices, robots, drones, remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), and satellite systems. Of the 11 finalists, Aerogravity won the Platinum prize with a cash award of Rs. 2.5lakh for the drone port systems that facilitate autonomous landing and take-off of industrial drones for surveillance, survey, and payload delivery applications. Hyperspawn and Truspectra were declared Gold Winners with Rs.1.75 lakh cash prizes for the next-generation teleoperated and mobile robots. The Bronze Winner with Rs.1lakh cash prize was Quarkifi which created smart space automation with the help of Internet of Things (IoT) technology and holds a patent for their innovative solution.


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